Monday, September 9, 2013


           Secret 1

Be Totally Responsible for Your Success

One phrase sticks on my mind “Stop the blame”. Life is a choice. We choose what we are and who we are. We are the one who run for our lives not the others. To be successful is an individual responsibility. You are what you believe. Suffering poverty is not because of others but it’s you blaming others. We blame others because different things affect money. I learned not to blame the government for the poverty. But rather create our own business, go to work and bless the world because we can’t change the president, sets of senators and congressman that we had. “Don’t wait for prosperity from the government. If you want prosperity, you’ve got to go and create it yourself”.
            “My family is poor” it’s not an excuse. You can’t hire someone else to do your pushups for you. We had planted in our minds that we are poor. When we see it in our minds, it would become reality. It’s a matter of logic. There is no such thing as bad luck because we create our luck. Evil is always around us, if we let him steal our poverty, that evil can. But “we have met the enemy and he is us.
            On the other way around, God didn’t make the poor in fact he is our source. We usually ask signs from God and at the end we blame God for everything we are not happy to. What we have right now is the product of our thoughts, choices and habits. It’s a matter of attitude. We sawwhat we reap. When we choose our behavior, we choose the consequences of that behavior which includes wealth or poverty. Bottom-line, we create our wealth and we create our poverty. We do it.
            Success is a self-made choice. We can create a new pattern of success. If you’re not good at it, you look for an asset for your new pattern of success. Albert Einstein approved!
Stop blaming!

           Secret 2

Enlarge Your Psychological Wallet

Increase your faith equals enlarges your psychological wallet. It’s just a matter of mind setting. Be open in all possibilities, dream bigger”. Realize that we can dream again. Don’t reject your feelings but face it. Questions asking in us that we often reject them which often causes our poverty, being selfish. Emotions are powerful and we had to face them. I learned how to face my emotions and deal with them. Think also for others emotions. Earn for the poor. Face your feelings. Be not content with earning “enough”. Learn to want to earn “more than enough” so you could bless the poor.
            It clearly states “Increase Your Money Comfort Zone”. Don’t limit your dreams. Thinking is psychological. Think for a big money then you can have it. If you want to be rich, the first thing you need to do is to enlarge your psychological wallet.
            Henry James once said “It’s time to start living the life you’ve imagined. Unless you see it in your mind, it won’t become reality. Don’t stay in your money comfort zone for the rest of your life. Increase your psychological wallet by dreaming. What we imagine will be possibly happen. Make a set of goals and aim by the power of your imagination, by the power of faith. Have faith.
            There is secret that unlocks all success. Your self-image will attract your level of success. At the end of the day, who you are doesn’t count. It’s who you think you are that determines your success. We can get what we wantpassionately. If you desire something, go for it. Contradicting desires create contradicting results.
            Rip out the roots planted in our minds. The negative family labels can be a barrier to dream big. A blessing comes from a big faith. If it’s too small, get a bigger one. Business can make us rich. I learned that training the children while they were still young contributes a great role in their lives. Let them learn business at their tender age. “There’s no shame in selling”. It’s the fantastic way to serve.
            You cannot earn money by just sitting down. To be rich will not happen overnight that’s why wanting to be rich should be skillfully disciplined.

               Secret 3

Get Rid of Crazy Religious Beliefs

You suffer insanity religiously. Different crazy beliefs we had in our lives that’s why we stay poor. Being rich is not being bad. Rich people balance everything in their lives. That’s why we remain poor because we think that God will not love the rich people and that God blesses the poor people. The truth is you are rich of those crazy religious beliefs.
Suffering from poverty is not a romantic scene. My God! Don’t feel that you are poor because you already romanticized too much our poverty and you will be forever poor. Rich people who forget God in their lives really won’t be bless by God. But on the other hand, God needs godly rich people who will run business, give jobs and bless the world with great services and products. I learned that rich people must remain humble before the Lord and before others and that’s a manifestation that rich people can enter to heaven.
“Too much humbleness is pride”. Don’t be so down to earth because it really let you down. Loving ourselves first would be easier to love others. We are sometimes punished by God through poverty but it’s us who allow this circumstances. In fact, when God sees us in poverty, He weeps. But don’t rely too much on God. Sometimes being poor is because of our laziness. We surrender to him what he doesn’t want us to surrender. Don’t expect God to do everything He expects you to do. Be a steward! Talking about laziness is stealing the authority from God. We sometimes make our laziness as an excuse and just having the faith for everything. Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. God did miracle! Are you once obsessed of God’s miracle? It’s not good to depend on miracle because we need to sacrifice things to have it. Sacrifice from you plus big miracle from God equals wealth.
It is well to have a strong faith from God but God give us the wisdom to make things right. The phrase “Bahalana” sometimes brings us into trouble if we don’t do what we’re supposed to do. “God designed us to work and trust not simply to trust”.

 Secret 4

Be Completely Committed to Your Dreams

Commitment is the state or quality of being committed to a cause. When we’re dreaming we have to be committed or else our dream will to go ashes. We have to wish something and start wanting it and finally committed into it.
In a movie, different roles play but the only powerful is the scriptwriter because he/she knows what the movie should flow through. To be the scriptwriter of your life will have an enormous control over your life and sees to it that the movie of your life will turn out beautiful. The God’s will for us is to create the life you were meant to live. How can this help us to be rich? You are the scriptwriter and you have nothing but a script. But God promises us to be the producer of our movie, our own life story.
I learned to write down everything I wanted to do with my life. Writing our dreams has a powerful effect on our brain. It cause our minds to open up to opportunities that will help us reach our goals, an opportunities that we wouldn’t have seen if we didn’t create a graphic vision of our future. After having the hard copy of our dreams, it needs to be read every day. Reading your dream every day inspires of your life.
Stay on the track. Stay focus! The Law of Focus states that what you focus on grows. I learned to focus on the good things happening to my life and begin each day counting blessing. The principle sticks on my mind “you’ll be surprised at how money-making opportunities will open up before you. Actually, they’re already there waiting for you to discover them”.
            “Imagination is everything” (Albert Einstein). The secret of the Universe,“your thoughts create things”. Your thoughts actually produce your reality. Let the wealth attract you. If your searching for money, but money search for you. Attract money. Become a money magnet.



Friday, July 5, 2013

MSU: The Melting Pot of the South

          "The unreadable expression of the freshmen and to the gleaming’s smiles of the graduates"

The Mindanao State University, Main Campus, Marawi City is the only University in the Philippine s with the different races at hand that had been successfully united by MSU, regardless of their difference in religion, culture and practices.
Mindanao State University’s physical attributes would be listed down as the pride of MSUan’s.

MSU had owned 1000 hectares. Inside the campus many were established aside from the school buildings. Tricycles, jeepneys and private cars are allowed to enter in the school premises because of its open area. You can have your need inside the campus. Groceries, School Supply, Clothes, Plastic Wares and etc. are all present in the campus. MSU campus is not a typical school that we commonly go with but it is the UNIQUE CAMPUS ever.
 “Pasaka Naka”? “MusakaNako” we heard this always in the jeepney’s terminal. MSU campus is located in a mountainous area. You can feel the firing hotness in Iligan City but on reaching MSU campus a change of temperature will welcome you. The normal weather of MSU campus is cold because of the trees surrounding the campus. Mostly MSU’an is wearing jackets and sweaters to cover the chilling. MSU temperature had reach 60c where Baguio that time was 30c this exactly mean that MSU campus stands its description as the “Melting Pot of the South”.

SLEEPING LADY(Sacred Mountain Nature Park )

                MSU is photogenic in nature. The place of MSU is romantic. The Golf Course is one of the beautiful spot in the campus. The carabao grass are plainly cut off, the pine trees that is always heads up and fresh air. This place is fresh and relaxing. You can do what you want, you can shout, and cry. Sitting by the golf course you can see the shining Lake Lanao. Embracing the sunrise in this place can give you another day and dream. MSU campus is really gifted in beautiful nature; we can see the Sleeping Lady as  Sacred Mountain Natural Park the mountain surrounding the lake. The mountain was formed naturally like a lady sleeping romantically foreshadowing the place of MSU that romantic and attractive.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


They call me “the goalie”. In soccer, I am the goalkeeper striving to throw a successful shot. A goal – directed man who organized things in achieving task.
I am a student of Entrepreneurial Marketing together with my box of dreams and plans in life. My personality pushes me to become what I am in the future. I am fitted in the corporate world that I am about to enter. I am standing in the world of business, trying to find an element of success. As a young entrepreneur, I have my bundles of plans of what I wanted to have and who I wanted to become. My plans are the bridge to achieve my dreams.
An outlined plan I have is my clear layout of what I am to become in the future. First step, after President Macapado will proclaim me as a graduate, I will have to look for an excellent job with this I will be able to return the sacrifices done by my parents or more than they deserve. Giving thanks for those people who contributed special moments in my life and encouraging me to keep moving forward. My plan will be like a ladder, expressing a sense of progress going upward. Next step, I am planning to know more about business. I am planning to study as for my master’s degree and if God will allow it.
Many have sung in my ears the compliment of being a good leader, being an authoritarian, able to lead a group of people. I was able to develop such ability because of the training my church gave me. I thank my God for equipping me and I believe that God doesn’t mean to use such prowess only for Him, though mainly for Him but He gave it to me also for the fulfillment of His promises as what He always say in Jeremiah 29:11.
Through this gift I will be able to build my own castle, dreams, even business not in the bed of sand but in the foundation of a solid rock.